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27 juillet 2013 6 27 /07 /juillet /2013 15:45

A part le cricket, les feuilletons et Top of the Pops, à la télé on parle beaucoup de la crise chypriote car les Britanniques ont des intérêts à Chypre. Le 15 juillet 1974, un coup d'Etat inspiré par la Grèce renverse Monseigneur Makarios, président de Chypre, au pouvoir depuis 1959. Le 20 juillet la Turquie s'en mêle. Ce conflit sera à l'origine de la partition de l'île qui existe encore aujourd'hui.

Pendant ce temps, le groupe de collégiens dont je fais partie visite la General Post Office - un garçon criera "Help" après s'être coincé la main dans une machine de tri du courrier -, une brasserie - dont l'odeur incommodera bon nombre d'eux nous -, et Oxford - où le chauffeur du car oubliera de ramasser quatre garçons (dans le vent ?) qui seront obligés de regagner Reading par leur propre moyen.

Les vacances se terminent ; il faut déjà penser aux suivantes. Mme Ethel F. m'écrit en janvier 1975 mais ayant mal orthographié mon adresse, sa lettre se promènera rue Marx Dormoy, Paris 18ème alors que j'habite dans le 19ème arrondissement. Le 29 avril 1975, elle m'écrit une nouvelle lettre qui me parvient plus rapidement où elle me dit qu'elle m'attend pour un nouveau séjour dans sa maison du 58 Audley Street, Reading, Berkshire, England :

"Dear P.,

Thank you very much for your letter, it was lovely to hear from you again.

Sorry to be so long answering, but we have been decorating (painting, etc) the bedrooms and getting the house nice and clean ready for summer and all the visitors we hope to get.

We are pleased you are coming again and look forward very much to seeing you.

I hope I have put the right address on this letter so you get it quicker, my other one sure did travel around.

I liked your sketches of the little men at winter sports, clever little boy aren't you ? We had snow at Easter (thought it was Christmas) but it did not last very long, although it was very cold all over the Holiday.

You do get around, don't you ? Belgium for your Holiday (hope you had nice time) and Switzerland, lucky boy.

It is nice of your mother to want to send me something, a small phial of perfume would be nice, lily of the valley is my favourite, or a necklace, anything that is French and looks French, not expansive I mean.

Peter is going to Bognor to Butlins Holiday Camp on Saturday (3rd may) with a friend and his parents, C., I expect you met him at Peter's home last year.

His new address is 25 Culver Rd.

I keep on asking him to write to you, but he says he's a rotten writer, but I told him that would not matter.

So you are Learning piano playing, it's very nice too, I always wanted to learn but never got the chance, in demand, so keep at it, you will be glad you did.

Must close now, write again soon, it is my birthday newt month (9th) so please try and send me a French card, I don't usually ask for anything, but I have never had a French Birthday card and I would treasure it.

All for now regards to your parents and love to you from yours as ever

Ethel F."

58 Audley Street, Reading, Berks.

58 Audley Street, Reading, Berks.

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